Miscellaneous bits and bobs from the tech world

No-Bake Lactation/Energy Bites

6/11/2023, 4:03:35 PM

My wife found this recipe for energy bites that contain galactagogues — milk-promoting foods and herbs that could aid in building milk supply.

They also double as a really tasty (and energy-rich) snack for days when you just want something quick!

I had this recipe written down in my notebook, but I refer to it often enough I may as well put it up here as well. It also contains measurements for the tackier liquid ingredients in GRAMS, because measuring larger volumes of things like peanut butter and honey by volume don't make much sense due to variability.


  • 2 cups, steel cut oats
  • 2 tbsp, brewer's yeast
  • ½ cup, ground flax seed
  • 85g (¼ cup), honey
  • 480g (1 cup), peanut butter
  • 1 tbsp, vanilla extract
  • ½ cup, chocolate chips
  • Salt to taste


  1. Combine dry ingredients
  2. Add wet ingredients
  3. Fold together using stiff spatula
  4. Add in chocolate chips (or nuts, or any other alternative) and combine
  5. Make balls
  6. Eat. Makes about 20 balls.


Store in fridge in sealed container. It probably lasts awhile, I wouldn't know, they all tend to disappear in less than a week.